Fresho for Business

Boost sales by making it easier for potential customers to find your business with Fresho.

Click it
One-click Integration with Google Ads account
Add it
Add URLs of your key webpages or select specific products
Automate it
Publish and watch Fresho continuously manage your ads with AI optimization and keyword adaptation to Google Trends
Save time and watch your brand grow with simple and easy to read analytics to track your success and share reports
Unlock your organization's full potential
GLCH publishing made big strides in their business, bumping up their conversion rates by a solid 5%. At the same time, they got their name out there more effectively, which did wonders for their sales. The best part? They didn't just make one-time sales - they secured recurring customers and saved hundreds of hours in ads management.
Launch in minutes!
Time-Saving Automations
Let Fresho handle the complexities of Google Ads while you focus on growing your business. Got 1000 products? No worries, Fresho will handle it in seconds.
Sit back and relax as Fresho automatically optimizes, edits, and improves your ads.
Book a Demo
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